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Capital Punishment

The death penalty is one of the oldest punishments in the world with records prescribing the punishment in early societies such as China, Babylon, Egypt, Greece and Rome. Between the late 17th and early 19th century, Britain had a list of more than 200 crimes which were punishable by death -- the most popular method was hanging. Until recent years capital punishment was widespread throughout Europe -- as seen in the image below. 

There are a number of reasons to advocate for capital punishment within our modern society. One of the most featured arguments for capital punishment is that of deterrence as punishing those that commit the most severe crimes with this severe punishment would dissuade others from repeating this crime.  Another argument for capital punishment is that is the best way to prevent the possibility of reoffending. When it comes to serial offenders that are impossible to rehabilitate for their heinous crimes this method of punishment ensures that they will never commit this crime again.

Right to Life

Within the UK human rights are protected under the Human Rights Act 1988. This act is in aid to the European Convention on Human Rights. Article 2 within this act stats that "the right to life is one of the rights protected by the Human Rights Act ". This human right prevents the existence of capital punishment as a penalty for a crime. This act applies to all citizens even those detained by the state as prisoners no matter the severity of their crime.

The right to life is extremely important and it's existence is a clear prevention of the implementation of capital punishment within modern Britain. The arguments against capital punishment do not solely rely on the existence of this right though. One of the main arguments against the implementation of capital punishment is that the justice system can make mistakes and innocent people can be executed because of a mistake. Another compelling argument against the death penalty is that there is no possibility of redemption or rehabilitation once the punishment is carried out there is no going back.

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